陆军后备军官训练队为寻求成为陆军军官为国家服务的年轻男女提供了最广阔的道路, helping them to achieve their goal. 它的毕业生占每年进入现役陆军的新委任中尉的大多数.

Army ROTC Logo

具有良好的学术背景,身体健康,思维活跃,快速吸收信息能力的学生在该计划中茁壮成长. 这些学者-运动员-领导者(SALs)指出,通过参与该计划而发展的领导技能在他们作为陆军军官服役期间得到了进一步的磨练.

Clarkson's Army ROTC Program

陆军后备军官训练队提供世界一流的训练,并有机会在毕业时担任陆军军官. 希望继续完成二年级的学员必须签署一份合同,并承诺在毕业时服役. 作为回报,所有签约学员在大三和大四期间每月都会获得津贴.

Contact Us

Enrollment Officer: Scott S Toth
8 Clarkson Ave, Box 5875
Phone: 315-268-7695

Why Choose Our Program

在过去的五年里,我们被《esball国际平台客户端》评为全国前五名参加后备军官训练队的学生比例. Our battalion is relatively large for the size of our school. The small-school feel of Clarkson, along with the strong military presence on campus, 使它成为一个舒适和支持的地方训练成为一名军队领导人.

在纽约北部地区,环境培训机会非常丰富. 阿迪朗达克山脉与他们的小径和自然保护区只有几分钟的路程. Also, Clarkson is located near Fort Drum, 能让你与陆军部署最广泛的师近距离接触吗, the 10th Mountain Division.

There are also outreach opportunities. Every year, 我们与校园俱乐部合作,为那些将在海外度假的士兵送去爱心包裹. Come be a part of something special with the Clarkson Army ROTC cadets.

Video: Blackhawk helicopters visit Clarkson

Feel the Difference in Your Training. Be the Difference in Your Community.

Basic Course

Freshmen in the Golden Knight Battalion meet for class once a week. 新生课程侧重于健身保养等基本生活技能, nutrition intake, time management and goal setting, 并涉及到一些基本的军事知识,比如军衔结构, customs and courtesies and infantry squad composition. We emphasize beginning to adopt the Army values and Warrior Ethos, and start to explore the Army leadership model. Land navigation is covered extensively as well, while the foundations for this critical skill are developed. 与高年级学生和教师的互动可以让你了解当今现役部队的机会, National Guard and Army Reserves.

二年级学生参加MS221创新团队领导和MS222战术领导基础. Class meets twice a week, 通过考察团队动态和构成陆军领导模式基础的两种历史领导理论,探索创造性和创新性战术领导战略和风格的维度. 你在计划的背景下练习个人动机和团队建设的各个方面, executing, and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs. 重点是通过对陆军军衔的理解,持续发展领导属性和核心领导能力的知识, structure, duties and basic aspects of land navigation and squad tactics.

Advanced Course


大三学生参加MS331适应性团队领导和MS332应用团队领导. 这些课程使用越来越激烈的情境领导挑战来建立你领导小单位的意识和技能. Skills in decision-making, persuasion and motivating team members under stress are explored, evaluated and developed. As a cadet, you are expected to apply basic principles of the Law of Land Warfare, Army training, and motivation to lead. The focus of your junior year is preparation for Warrior Forge.

金骑士营的高年级学生被要求每周参加一次后备军官训练班. The course provides instruction on administrative, 培训和后勤方面的考虑,为你的第一个单位任务做准备. We use case studies, scenarios, and “What Now, Lieutenant?"训练,准备你面对复杂的道德和实际的要求,作为一个委任的军官在美国领导.S. Army. 除了上课,该营在学期的大多数周四都有一个两小时的实验室. 这是所有学员聚在一起进行集体训练的时间. The seniors plan and execute the training, 三年级学生担任大部分领导职位,并在实验室期间接受评估, 二年级和一年级的学生一边观看一边学习,同时培养追随的关键技能.

The Golden Knight Battalion Sets Itself Apart From Others

  • 在过去的五年中,每年参加ROTC的学生比例在华盛顿月刊中排名全国前五名.  The GKB is a relatively large battalion at a small school.  esball国际平台客户端的小学校感觉以及校园里强大的军事存在使它成为一个舒适和支持的地方,训练成为一名军队领导人.
  • The opportunities to train in the local area are abundant.  在阿迪朗达克山脉的北侧,我们可以训练的土地几乎是无限的, and we can train right on campus. Whether it's rappelling off our rapell tower, 在“后备军官训练队森林”练习陆地导航或进行彩弹战术训练, or learning to low crawl right on the Hamlin-Powers lawn we don't have to go far to do some Army Training.
  • Close proximity to Fort Drum 使我们能够与军队中部署最多的师保持定期联系, the 10th Mountain Division.  包括最近部署的部队进行的战斗简报在内的参谋骑乘是不可或缺的训练机会,可以让我们的学员了解他们毕业后应该期待什么.  德拉姆堡还提供独特的培训机会,如使用他们的模拟器和参与技能培训设施, and use of the obstacle course and rifle ranges.
  • The campus community supports our effort in just about every way.  Clarkson Guard等校园组织在每个假期都会与GKB合作,向部署的士兵和校友发送爱心包裹.  Our Dining Out and Cadet hockey games are held at SUNY Potsdam.  Commissioning ceremonies are hosted on all four campuses.   教师、行政人员、教练和同学们都知道我们是谁,我们是做什么的.  他们都在创造一个让学员茁壮成长的环境中发挥着作用.
  • The history of ROTC and Clarkson is a rich one, 起源于20世纪30年代后备军官训练队和esball国际平台客户端卫队的成立. 

Clarkson's ROTC History

Clarkson's ROTC Band in front of Old Main

ROTC and Clarkson guard founded

WWII began, training program established and over 250 cadets enrolled

Signal Corps added to Corps of Engineers battalion

Colleges of St. Lawrence Valley established, pooling resources

Corps of Cadets becomes Golden Knight Battalion (GKB)

Clarkson commissions officers and leaders into the armed forces

CTA Block